go Results Found: 9 Button group with nested dropdown 1st Source - Central Gold 1st Source - Central 6043 Central Ave. Portage IN 46368 (219) 762-2165 1st Source-Willowcreek Multi-Location 1st Source-Willowcreek 3395 Willowcreek Road Portage IN 46368 (219) 762-3834 Centier Bank-Portage Gold Centier Bank-Portage 3220 Willowcreek Rd Portage IN 46368 (219) 763-3376 Centier Bank-South Haven Multi-Location Centier Bank-South Haven 390 W. US Hwy 6 Valparaiso IN 46383 762-4296 Centier Bank-Strack & Van Til Multi-Location Centier Bank-Strack & Van Til 6046 Central Ave Portage IN 46368 762-3637 Fifth Third Bank Portage Traditional Fifth Third Bank Portage 2655 Willowcreek Road Portage IN 46368 (219) 762-3171 First State Bank of Porter Bronze First State Bank of Porter 230 Lincoln St. Porter IN 46304-1897 (219) 926-2136 Horizon Bank* Gold Horizon Bank* 2650 Willowcreek Rd. Portage IN 46368 (219) 763-9570 Members Advantage Credit Union Traditional Members Advantage Credit Union 6170 US Hwy. 6 Portage IN 46368 (219) 762-6228